Episode 10: Unleashing Your Inner Entrepreneur ft. Kiani Paige


In this episode, Bria sits down with Kiani, a passionate entrepreneur and creative, to dive deep into the journey of entrepreneurship, self-discovery, and embracing the creative process. Kiani shares her powerful story of stepping into her own creative potential, overcoming perfectionism, and learning to trust her intuition. From navigating the highs and lows of entrepreneurship to recognizing when it’s time to say "no" to situations that no longer serve you, this episode is full of inspiration for anyone looking to step into their own light.

[00:00] Introduction & Opening Thoughts

Bria introduces Kiani and they discuss overcoming perfectionism and stepping into the creative process. Kiani opens up about her struggles with perfectionism and how she learned to keep going even when things weren’t perfect.

[03:15] Overcoming the Fear of Imperfection

Bria talks about starting her podcast and content creation despite the fears of not being “good enough” and how perfectionism can hold us back. Kiani shares how entrepreneurship requires courage and a willingness to keep moving forward, even when things feel uncertain.

[07:30] Trusting Your Creative Process

Kiani emphasizes the importance of respecting your own creative process. She talks about how it's okay to create at your own pace and how not every moment will be productive, but it’s essential to trust that your creativity will evolve in its own time.

[12:00] Finding Support in Unexpected Places

Bria shares how her journey has been supported in unexpected ways, including by people who’ve volunteered to help with editing, content creation, and more. She highlights how important it is to stay open to collaboration and the community.

[17:00] The Role of Courage

This segment focuses on the importance of courage when starting something new. Kiani speaks about the bravery required to honor your gifts and take the leap, even when others may not fully understand your vision or journey.

[22:30] The Evolution of Confidence

Kiani and Bria discuss how confidence evolves over time. Kiani reflects on how the validation of close friends and family impacts her confidence, and how doing what feels right is ultimately more important than doing what others expect.

[29:00] Navigating Temptation & Staying Aligned with Your Values

Kiani shares her experiences with the distractions of social media and how staying true to her values helps her avoid temptation. She talks about how to stay aligned with your inner truth, even when external pressures try to pull you off course.

[34:15] The Power of Doing What You Love

Kiani explains how doing what you love brings out your best work. She discusses how to prioritize what makes you happy, even when the world tries to tell you to focus on what makes money or is more "acceptable."

[40:00] Trusting Your Intuition

Kiani talks about the importance of trusting your gut and how listening to your intuition has guided her on her entrepreneurial journey. She reflects on how things fall into place when you’re in tune with your higher self and the divine timing of life.

[45:00] The Freedom of Creating & Evolving

Kiani shares how leaving her corporate job has allowed her to fully focus on her creative career and explore her entrepreneurial potential. She talks about the freedom that comes with doing what you love and how she continues to evolve.

[50:30] A Look Ahead: The Future of the Creative Journey

Looking ahead, Kiani shares her vision for the future, including upcoming creative projects, travels, and continuing to build her business. She emphasizes the importance of enjoying the journey while pursuing your passions and goals.

You can follow Kiani's creative journey on Instagram: @Kianipaige

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